A sudden blow brings smaller bubbles, and a thousand others already burst. Only one may remain to fare the open space. It’s lonely and unenjoyable, but it’s a bubble that remains even when winds blow strong.
Ka Leody’s bubble is built upon solidarity. With only consolidated 20-peso bills the party members give, the campaign survives. Despite recent prickings and impending ones, it’s not too daunting for a lone bubble to fly atop threading needles.
So, it's all or nothing for Ka Leody. The fight is not about him being elected, it’s about the cause having the power in the seat over the offices that ignored the masses. The blow seems brave and rapid but it’s a blow powered by rage against oppression.
For a bubble so brave and strong, a specific formula is required. ‘No other blows give the same approach; no other cause understands the call. It’s not a time for any compromise, for no blows will remain if we wait again.’ There are times that this bubble could have been part of a bigger bubble; calls were made but they weren’t listened to in a way that they would want.
But there are bubbles closely related to this one that exists. It's a bubble that wants to be in another bubble. It's confusing. It's new. It's a surprise other bubbles persist. Now, there's no war between them, but a cold shoulder sends confusing signals. It’s not just now that we same almost the same bubble crash against each other but rarely merge.
Regardless, for a bubble to survive, the right conditions have to be met, or at least the conditions have to be made themselves. This bubble does not sit comfortably—it never was comfortable—on a success story. Rather, this bubble continues its struggle. It’s one very different bubble than the other ones—mainly for workers and unionists.
It’s one strong and lonely bubble. Despite the culling and selection, the very specific bubble remains and is not satisfied with the status quo.
Written by: Jantzen Eros
Layout and Design by: Jantzen Eros