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[MIYERKULITE] To be blue.

Writer's picture: Oikonomos NexusOikonomos Nexus

They say the eyes are a window to the soul.

So let your kindness transcend,

And reach that crumbling core.

Chanting that soon you'll get better.

An ear to lend.

A simple smile may heal.

A hand to grasp when everything's lost

And the warmth of a comrade

Choose to be the one to light up the room.

A safe space,

Even the most gloomy parts,

A wildflower could grow.

For kindness is to appease vulnerability.

To show compassion,

To be humane,

To be the rain, to cover the tears.

Looking past one's color,

One's ethnicity,

One's bruises,

And look at the soul.

Be the blue soul,

Not because of the bitter tears

But to become the vast ocean.

Filled with peace and understanding

Welcoming drifters filled with distress.


Written by: Nethaniah Jan Lim

Layout and Design by: Bea Cudal and Gerald Reyes

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