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  • Writer's pictureOikonomos Nexus

[MIYERKULITE] Of Sweet Smiles on Salty Tears

You're both our parents and grandparents

To us, the two of you are indeed god-sent

With love so pure and the difficulties you endured;

You're inspiring and wonderful, well, I am sure.

When the darkness invades the sky,

And the imaginary monsters showed as we cry,

Your hugs and kisses kept us warm

Like you were protecting us from any harm.

You both said, "People come and go."

But I'd love to see you stay and watch me grow;

Because in this lifetime of failure and misery,

Your kindness and caring deeds gave us glee—it made us free.

The laughter and funny stories we shared,

As well as the words of wisdom I heard;

Will be treasured even when a major dilemma arrives

Oh, we're grateful to have you in our lives.


Written by: Daisy Mae Conception

Layout and Design by: Dennis Amoroso

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